Friday, March 23, 2007


2007 Citizen Monitoring Award -- Group Effort

At their regular meeting, members of the Pewaukee River Partnership were presented the 2007 Citizen Monitoring Award in the Group Effort category.

Kyle Zenz, basin educator for natural resources, University of Wisconsin-Extension made the presentation. She explained that the work of the Monitors was very important in establishing a baseline for future measurements of the Pewaukee River.

Sponsors of this statewide award include the University of Wisconsin-Extension, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Water Action Volunteers (WAV).

Over the past two years, the 23 Pewaukee River Partnership volunteers have monitored the Pewaukee River, as well as Coco Creek, Zion Creek and Meadow brook Creek. They have measured dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, stream flow, habitat and completed the biotic index.

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Monday, March 05, 2007


Monitoring Award Winner

The Pewaukee River Partnership has been named as the winner of the 2007 Wisconsin Stream Award in the organized group category. This award is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Extension, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) Program.
Through out the State of Wisconsin, local citizens are involved in monitoring the health of their streams and rivers. Over the past two years the 23 PRP volunteers have monitored the Pewaukee River as well as Coco Creek, Zion Creek and Meadowbrook Creek for approximately 130 times. The resulting information has been entered into the WAV database to be used by the DNR as well as PRP to improve our waters.
Presentation of the award will be made at the next Pewaukee River Partnership meeting on Thursday, March 22, 2007.

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2007 Citizen Monitoring Confluence

Ray Schwabe, PRP River Monitor Co-ordinator and Larry Wehrheim enjoy lunch while discussing ideas developed during the morning session of the 2007 Citizen Monitoring Confluence held at Lake Mills on Saturday, March 3rd.
The program featured a keynote address given by Todd Ambs and Andy Paulios, both from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The rest of the day was devoted to three breakout session covering eight different topics.
The Rock River Coalition in Jefferson County organized the program.



Board Withdraws Offer

At its meeting on March 1st, the Pewaukee River Partnership Board of Directors voted to withdraw the offer made to the Village of Pewaukee to finance and build a rain garden on the site of the new Village Hall. They also postphoned developing plans for a river walk on the site. A Letter of Withdrawal dated March 3, 2006 has been sent to Chuck Nichols, president of the Village Board, as well as each of the trustees.
The Village will not be ready to install a rain garden and/or river walk until some time in 2008. The Board suggested that the Village contact PRP at that time to consider resubmitting the offer. Taking this step gives PRP the freedom to move ahead on other conservation projects in the watershed. Whether PRP resubmits the offer in the future will depend on the availability of resources at that time.


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